Friday, October 14, 2016

POTW--Dylan Thomas, The Force ... That Drives the Flower

This week's poem can best be explored using your colored pencils. It is recommended that you print out a copy of the poem and start circling repeated words in different colors. It is a bit like a complex puzzle you will try to take apart: you will probably need to read through the poem six or seven times before you locate every word that is repeated. These repetitions help create the music, in a poem that does not rely on end line rhymes. The poem is under copyright, so find it on For those whose first language is not English, and even for native English speakers, the vocabulary may be a bit challenging. Look up the words, so that you can perceive the meanings.

The Dylan Thomas Center in Swansea, Wales, awaits your visit (, and you can read a good complete biography of the poet on their website.

Among the centenary sites, celebrating 100 years since the birth of Dylan Thomas in 2014 you might enjoy:

Translations into French:

Alain Suied has translated a large selection of Dylan Thomas's poems into French. Find out more about that via Esprits Nomades (

Line Audin has translated Dylan Thomas's most famous poem, "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" into French at La Cause Littéraire (